Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Sewing or Scrapbooking, How about Sewing while Scrapbooking?

My mom told me today that she's not interested in sewing right now, she wants to scrapbook... So I started wondering if you could sew while scrapbooking, So here are some tutorials for sewing on scrapbook pages:

This looks like a lot of fun!! I like the looks of the hand stitching better than the machine stitching. Enjoy!


Julee Huy said...

I was looking through mom's sticker drawers the other day and she has some scrapbooking sewing thread stuff. It's in a few different colors. Remind me today and I'll get it out. I'm bringing a page to stick together.

Beverly Hernandez said...

Haha...I'll sew if you want me to. It's just such a pain. :)
